Canon's Guestbook

Canon's Guestbook has CHANGED its "look and feel!"

Note: If you have already read the note below, CLICK HERE to enter the guestbook.

Canon's NEW Guestbook has an aggressive "anti-spam" functionality to help prevent inappropriate guestbook entries. If you have ANY difficulty (if the guestbook refuses to allow your guestbook entry, for instance) contact me at newguestbook -at- (You know the drill: replace the "-at-" with the proper symbol for an email address when you send your email.) If you do send me a "trouble" email, please do two things:
  • Include the word "Canon" in the SUBJECT of your email, so it won't accidentally be deleted or placed in the junk mail folder, and
  • If possible, cut-and-paste the contents of your attempted guestbook note into the email you send me. That way I can analyze what happened, and either (1) Tell you what you need to change in your message, or (2)Modify the configuration program to allow your guestbook message.

    Canon's Webmaster