Canon's DVD
Promotional Movie Interviews

Note: These movie clips are all about 5 MegaBytes each. If you have a Dial-Up Modem connection to the Internet you may not be able to view these movies. Even if you have DSL or Cable Internet access, depending on your computer media settings, it may take 30 to 45 seconds to download one of the movie clips.

Canon's DVD Promo Clips (or alternatively, here is the FULL ten minute version)

1 Clip 1


7 Clip 7
2 Clip 2


8 Clip 8
3 Clip 3


9 Clip 9
4 Clip 4


10 Clip 10
5 Clip 5


11 Clip 11
6 Clip 6


Altogether, the eleven clips total just over ten minutes.

If space can be found on the web server the entire DVD will be made available online. It is about 550 MegaBytes.

Until then, if anyone would like a copy of the DVD mailed to them, please send a check for $5, made out to "COTA for CANON P." to the address below. NOTE: When you receive your DVD feel free to make however many copies you need, i.e., if you need 5 copies you don't have to order 5 copies -- instead, order one DVD and make copies if you have that capability. The important thing is to distribute the DVD to any organizations or groups who may be able to help Canon's fund-raising activity!

Send to:
12503 Gristmill Cove
Austin, TX 78750

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