January 28, 2008


Praise God for His astounding provision and continued blessing on my family!  We are all healthy and experiencing all the normal things associated with having a busy family.  A lot of time has passed since my last entry, so let me see if I can relay the high points of the last six months.



July 2007 – Canon broke his arm.  I was down at my grandparents’ house in Beeville for a few days and when I returned, Canon was in a cast.  Apparently he had jumped off of the recliner in the living room (Drew was in the kitchen) and fell on it wrong.  He was in a multi-colored series of casts for about six weeks.  The sight of him in a cast bothered me so much (any toddler in a cast just looks so sad to me), and I was so happy when it was taken off and the orthopedist said that his bones are stronger now than they were before the break!  But I must admit, watching him try to eat corn on the cob with a full-arm cast still brings me a reluctant giggle!



August 2007 – Creed turned 2!  We had so much fun celebrating this milestone with him.  We had a big water park birthday party in the backyard – Creederbahn!  He had a great time surrounded by family and friends and didn’t stop singing Happy Birthday to himself for a good two weeks later.  His favorite gift?  A $6 Lightning McQueen umbrella that he frequently “needs” me to get down for him so he can use when it’s raining… in our living room.



September 2007 – We all learn to adjust to a busy new schedule.  Drew is the new assistant principal at Tascosa High School, so the boys and I learned quickly to cheer “Go Rebs!” and “Go Big Red!” at fair-weather football games.  I went back to teaching a full-day and Canon and Creed started pre-school.  Of the four of us, I was by far the biggest baby about getting up early in the morning.



October 2007 – Canon is approved for hydro-therapy and begins swimming once a week with his Occupational Therapist.  He really looks forward to those days and is making so much progress in his strength and posture.


November 2007 – Two-year post-transplant trip to Houston.  It was Drew’s turn to take him to the appointment and he made a whole vacation out of the two-day jaunt.  The doctors were once again thrilled at the remarkable evolution of his recovery.  It was a simple, straightforward visit with lots of smiles and congratulations.  Praise God for that!  After the appointment, Drew and Canon rode the train through the park next to the Medical Center and visited the zoo before catching their flight back home that afternoon.


December 2007 – An amazing month of joyful celebrations!  My brother, Ryan, graduated from Texas A&M and I was able to fly down and watch him walk across the stage, all the while remembering the days that he learned how to walk in the first place!  Then all of my family was together in Austin to celebrate Christmas.  This year was really special because we had our traditional family Christmas, then we got busy looking forward to Ryan’s wedding on the 28th.  And in between Christmas and wedding, Drew and I took Canon to meet Jordan’s family.  They welcomed us into their home for a meal the day after Christmas.  It was completely perfect.  I actually just finished writing a chapter about it for Canon’s book, so my writing juices aren’t flowing as freely right now, otherwise I would go into great detail.  But… if you’re interested, I promise I’ll let you know when (and if) the book is out there!  Then the following Friday night, Ryan and Elana got married in a ceremony performed by my Papa.  It was also perfect and beautiful… not to mention the adorable ring bearer (Canon)! 


As for this month, I’d like to just boast in the Lord and in my latest favorite blessings:



Thank you Lord!