Chandra's Journal

Mar 15, 2007
I have four chapters written in Canon’s book!

For the last five days Canon has been vacationing in Abilene with Drew’s parents and Creed has been vacationing in Austin with my parents. As a result, the house has been very quiet and I was able to sit at the computer for hours at a time. I feel good about it. There’s still a lot to be done, but I feel more confident that eventually it will be something really good.

So, please forgive me for not writing a journal entry lately.

My boys are back home today, thank goodness. The last five days have felt like forever! They both had a blast and the grandparents seem to have really enjoyed the quality time. But the emotion I felt down to my bones when Drew and I saw them drive up was pure joy. They ran up the sidewalk yelling “Hi Mommy! Hi Daddy!” and just fell into our arms. What a blessing both to know that they had exciting new adventures with their very special grandparents, AND to have them back home again!

Canon will be three years old on Sunday! He told me tonight when I put him to bed that he wanted to be one instead. I told him that I was really sorry, but that we can’t go backwards; he has to grow bigger and older so he can do more things. I have two days to convince him that being three is cool! Wish me luck.

Many blessings to all of you,

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Luke 2:52