Chandra's Journal

July 12, 2005…

Last night Canon added the word “moon” to his exploding vocabulary. I wish you could see his face when he says it! His lips are as puckered as can be and his chin drops down and the word seems to hang in midair as if he just blew it into a bubble.

Also last night was the volunteer meeting with the representative from COTA. None of us had any idea what to expect going into it, but Drew and I feel that it was a great success. I think we had at least fifty people there, the vast majority being our invaluable church family. Brenda, the COTA representative, had an agenda that we barreled through in two hours! Yes… a lot of information! Some of it was very hard to hear – such as what happens to the money when a patient doesn’t make it (matching funds program for other patient campaigns), and the actual goal that they have set for Canon’s campaign ($350,000). And it’s just so humbling to see all these people so dedicated to helping us, to doing actual work, purely out of love.

There is already one event on the books and being expertly planned by the Mitchell/Hairston life group at Southwest. It is a fundraising lunch after church on July 31st. I expect it will be a huge success because of all the effort being put in already!

There are also several fundraising ideas I have heard mentioned, but are still in the brainstorming/planning stages. We can buy and re-sell rubber bracelets, we need to contact ACU to check on any help with publicity they can offer, we can put out canisters at local businesses for coin donations, our friends from the March of Dimes have discussed putting on a glow-in-the-dark golf tournament, and we’ve had a couple other friends volunteer to organize a regular golf tournament. I know there have been other ideas as well; those are just the ones fresh in my mind right now.

From where I am it looks like too huge a mountain to even approach. But I know a have a big God who created the mountains in the blink of an eye and doesn’t know obstacles. He is the way; he has the answers. Lord, help me to anticipate a miracle. What will it be? How will you show us how powerful you are?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5