Transcript – Jesus said more about [blank] than [blank]
(Note that all transcripts were created from audio recordings, and therefore any mistakes are the transcriptionist's, not the speaker's.)
Filename -- Extract_JourneyToGenerosity01_It'sNotAboutTheMoney_20050116-2_JesusSaidMoreAboutMoneyExceptKingdom_transcription.htm
Jesus spoke more about money than any subject except the Kingdom.
Well I’m gonna argue that you’re doing real preaching if you emphasize what Jesus emphasized.
Now I’m gonna teach you this morning (I want you to write it down), that Jesus spoke more about money more than any other subject except the Kingdom.
Now all last year we talked about the Kingdom of God. It’s only fitting then that we should follow that study with a study of the one subject that Jesus spoke about second to the Kingdom and often in connection to the Kingdom. The King whose reign we are to seek above all things placed an emphasis on the subject of money. One sixth of all of his parables, one third of all of his parables, dealt directly with financial issues. When it comes to the kingdom of God, your view of money matters. That’s because Jesus understood that God will never be enthroned until the money-god is intentionally dethroned.
Now every word of that sentence was so important so I’m going to say it again. God will never be enthroned until the money-god is intentionally dethroned.
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